The Arizona Experiment Station

Classroom Technology Support

We offer several different distance-learning and conferencing options, and help you set them up.
In-Room Video Conferencing: free
CALS has several rooms of various sizes available with technology that creates collaborative environments between universities, conferences, distance classes, and defenses.
Web/Online Conferencing: free
We currently have a license for an 8 seat Cisco WebEx conference. In addition, we can obtain limited time licenses for larger conferences, short courses and events.
Panapto Software and Support: free
Panopto is a software platform that provides lecture recording, screencasting, video streaming, and video content management software, which is often used in E-learning environments.
Collaborate Software and Support: free
Formerly Elluminate, the current version offers many improvements, chiefly greatly improved audio conferencing capabilities.  This application has not gained widespread popularity amopng CALS users due  to a less than user friendly interface and limitations with early versions.  However, it has proven highly reliable and has the capability of much larger webcasts than any other no ( or low) cost option.