The Arizona Experiment Station

Desert Landscaping

A powerful tool to help gardeners and landscape designers find the right plants for desert landscaping. It includes a robust, multilayer plant search with a way to tag and collect desired plants into a list that can shared or printed. Loaded with helpful tips and trusted resources as well as plant trivia to make learning fun.
Plant Selector
Quickly sort through the 600+ plant library with a robust browse and refine search feature so users can quickly find what they're looking for.
Plant Details
Each plant includes a photo and full description including origin and growing requirements.
Loaded with useful information about landscaping concepts, concerns, planning, and how to get started.
Germinate ideas for a desert landscaping project with this handy plant photo ID gallery.
A fun way for users to test their plant knowledge–and likely learn a thing or two. Future phase will incorporate social media with geo tagging to encourage play with others.
A concise list of online resources as well a full bibliography to validate the research behind this project.
Responsive design: 
mobile web
Responsive Design
Interactive Library
Trivia Game